JRLC is the largest and most inclusive interfaith public interest group in Minnesota—people of diverse faiths bringing vision and wisdom to the public realm for the well-being of Minnesotans. JRLC is authorized and governed by four Sponsoring Members:
- Islamic Center of Minnesota
- Jewish Community Relations Council, Minnesota & the Dakotas
- Minnesota Catholic Conference
- Minnesota Council of Churches
When JRLC was founded in 1971, it was the first interfaith public-interest lobby group in the United States. JRLC now has an extensive body of public policy statements and continually influences Minnesota legislation in many policy arenas, including welfare reform, housing, health care, human rights, criminal justice, environmental stewardship, tax policy, ethics
in government, gambling, economic justice, bias crimes, firearms regulation, and more.
JRLC is governed by a 16-person Executive Board made up of representatives from each sponsoring faith community. The Board guides policy decisions culminating in a ratification process requiring each JRLC position to be approved by all the sponsors' governing bodies. JRLC is unique in this accountability structure and thus speaks in a unified voice for these faith groups.