More than eight million Ukrainians have been forced to leave their homes since the Russian invasion. According to the Minnesota Department of Human Services, about 300 people have been admitted as humanitarian parolees to Minnesota.
February 13, 2024
I have been to Palestine and Israel five times since 2006. During the first days after the shocking and horrific attack by Hamas on civilians in Israel, I paused from making a statement out of respect for Jewish-led processes of grief.

Support political prisoners in Russia
“I was in prison and you came to me.” -Matthew 25:36b

Since 2012 churches have been practicing communion on election day. In 2023 congregations have a unique opportunity: Sunday, November 5 is exactly one year before Election Day 2024.

Our Prayers Heard ‘Round the World
Minnesota Council of Churches and the 2023 International Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
October 23, 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Nativity Lutheran Church, St. Anthony
Press release for Gone for Good

MCC’s Racial Justice Program celebrated the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington at the Minnesota Capital on Monday, August 28th, with Beacon Housing Interfaith Collaborative.
Our CEO and Minnesota's Attorney General have both released books about their leadership in two sectors of Minnesota - faith and law - in the aftermath of George Floyd's murder. Join them for a brown-bag lunch and public conversation about their books in August!
Minnesota Council of Churches continued its Truth and Reparations series with "Shifting the Spotlight," featuring Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III and the Sounds of Blackness (edited out for copyright reasons).
Since 2012 Minnesota Council of Churches has equipped faith and other communities to manage conflict and depolarize arguments with Respectful Conversations.
In times of crisis and chaos, faith communities regularly find ourselves on the front lines. We are often trusted peacemakers and mediators with our members, communities, and local officials.

Note: The message below was written by two members of the Sadat Family Welcome Coalition — a group consisting of members of the Eastern Twin Cities Islamic Center, The Minnesota Council of Churches, Boutwell’s Landing, and Ascension Episcopal and Trinity Lutheran churches — on the fir
As we go about our daily lives, it can be easy to focus on what divides us rather than what unites us. Whether it's differences in politics, religion, or culture, it can sometimes feel like the things that set us apart are more significant than the things that bring us together.
(Crossposted with permission from Healing Minnesota Stories Blog)
What survey data says about White Christians’ attitudes about race and privilege
At White Church Truths, filmed at Westminster Presbyterian Church on November 5, 2022, the afternoon session featured music from Patricia Lacy, a panel responding to the morning's keynote that included Rev. Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy, Felecia Boone, and Rev. Dr.
This video of the morning session of White Church Truths includes a keynote from Dr. Michael O.
More than eight million Ukrainians have been forced to leave their homes since the Russian invasion. According to the Minnesota Department of Human Services, about 300 people have been admitted as humanitarian parolees to Minnesota.
February 13, 2024
I have been to Palestine and Israel five times since 2006. During the first days after the shocking and horrific attack by Hamas on civilians in Israel, I paused from making a statement out of respect for Jewish-led processes of grief.

Support political prisoners in Russia
“I was in prison and you came to me.” -Matthew 25:36b

Since 2012 churches have been practicing communion on election day. In 2023 congregations have a unique opportunity: Sunday, November 5 is exactly one year before Election Day 2024.

Our Prayers Heard ‘Round the World
Minnesota Council of Churches and the 2023 International Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
October 23, 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Nativity Lutheran Church, St. Anthony
Press release for Gone for Good

MCC’s Racial Justice Program celebrated the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington at the Minnesota Capital on Monday, August 28th, with Beacon Housing Interfaith Collaborative.
Our CEO and Minnesota's Attorney General have both released books about their leadership in two sectors of Minnesota - faith and law - in the aftermath of George Floyd's murder. Join them for a brown-bag lunch and public conversation about their books in August!
Minnesota Council of Churches continued its Truth and Reparations series with "Shifting the Spotlight," featuring Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III and the Sounds of Blackness (edited out for copyright reasons).
Since 2012 Minnesota Council of Churches has equipped faith and other communities to manage conflict and depolarize arguments with Respectful Conversations.
In times of crisis and chaos, faith communities regularly find ourselves on the front lines. We are often trusted peacemakers and mediators with our members, communities, and local officials.

Note: The message below was written by two members of the Sadat Family Welcome Coalition — a group consisting of members of the Eastern Twin Cities Islamic Center, The Minnesota Council of Churches, Boutwell’s Landing, and Ascension Episcopal and Trinity Lutheran churches — on the fir
As we go about our daily lives, it can be easy to focus on what divides us rather than what unites us. Whether it's differences in politics, religion, or culture, it can sometimes feel like the things that set us apart are more significant than the things that bring us together.
(Crossposted with permission from Healing Minnesota Stories Blog)
What survey data says about White Christians’ attitudes about race and privilege
At White Church Truths, filmed at Westminster Presbyterian Church on November 5, 2022, the afternoon session featured music from Patricia Lacy, a panel responding to the morning's keynote that included Rev. Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy, Felecia Boone, and Rev. Dr.
This video of the morning session of White Church Truths includes a keynote from Dr. Michael O.